Welcome to Market Clues!

To access MyClues, the subscriber-only portion of the website,

  1. go to http://marketclues.blogspot.com/

  2. Select the MyClues Home Page link in the Links section
    at the top of the page (there's also a link at the bottom
    of each post if the top link is missing).

  3. Enter wcorney@keatepartners.com in the form provided.

Your subscription expiration date is Sun Jan 31 23:00:00 2021

Warning Note: if you subscribed via PayPal's Subscription system, the date your subscription ends is actually earlier than the end of the month and your account will be charged if you do not cancel before the expiration date PayPal gave you.

We have a daily blog (Monday-Thursday and Saturday) which is free to the public and which is emailed to subscribers (some clueless ISPs consider it spam and reject it, however -- if you are not receiving yours, you can use RSS instead. For information about RSS, visit our RSS Page at http://www.marketclues.net/rss.html ).

For subscribers only, we have the daily "Subscriber's Notes" page and, on the weekend, we have our "Detailed Commentary". Both of these are linked from the daily blog and from the main MyClues Page.

For traders, our "Trading Page" ("For Traders Only" link on the MyClues page) offers shorter term stock market indicators, such as Oddball, Football, Stochastics and VLE-DJ to add to your short term trading information arsenal.

For individual stock investors, we offer about 7000 individual stock charts updated nightly with our computerized analysis of the strength of each issue based upon accumulation and distribution patterns.

For sector and index investors, our Volume Oscillators offer an X-ray look at the daily condition of several indices, each of which can be bought or sold through its corresponding ETF or stock index futures contract. For a discussion of the indicators found on our chart pages, please use the "HELP" link at the top of each chart page. If the HELP pages are incomplete, or you need a more complete explanation, don't hesitate to email for more information: bcarver@yahoo.com.