For Monday, November 25, 2002
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    Subscription Rate Increase
     Due to increased costs of doing business, we are raising our full-year rate to $79 effective
     December 1, 2002. Despite the increase, Market Clues is still the best bargain around -- by far
     -- than any other financial newsletter or website.
     The $49 rate is still in effect through November 30th. And, if you subscribe for 5 years ($245
     at the old rate, $395 at the new rate) or longer, you will receive a free bonus -- only while
     supplies last, though! -- of either Conquer the Crash by Bob Prechter or Elliott Wave Principle
     by A.J. Frost and Bob Prechter. Please note that our 5-year rate is about what you'd pay
     elsewhere for only one year. To subscribe, click here to use PayPal (if you are reading this in
     plain text format, or prefer to pay by check rather than PayPal, visit
     "" for further instructions).
  Stocks: A Clear Path for Stocks Ahead
     There are times when the path ahead in the stock market is clearly marked. And, there are many
     more times when that path is shrouded in fog. Fortunately, we are at a time when the path ahead
     is clear.
     Reviewing the bear market rally: The market bottom in early October (8 Oct in NASDAQ, 10 Oct in
     the Dow), kicked off wave A of an A-B-C rally phase. Wave B consolidated the gains from the 6
     Nov top and we are now within the final rally, wave C. Within wave C, the market is tracing out
     an impulsive five-wave move with wave 3 complete and wave 4 in progress. Wave 3 was relatively
     weak as third waves go, falling short of the net advance in wave 1. Since wave 5s are usually
     the weakest wave, it's very possible that we've seen the high price of the entire bear market
     rally already. Normally, wave 5 will move the market to a higher high, though, so it's more
     likely that we'll see a higher high this week, but don't count on it.
     Timing. A tremendous confluence of timing indicators point to a turn this week. And, there is a
     very important behavior in the market which will help pinpoint the top as we discuss further in
     our Detailed Comments Page . . .; or;
  Euro Currency:;
     The Euro remains close to its recent highs, but, fundamentally, there is no reason for the Euro
     to be so overvalued. Interest rates are relatively high for a zone with such poor economic
     prospects, but appear to be the only thread holding this currency up.
  U.S. Dollar Index:;
     The US Dollar Index has held within a narrow trading range for months, but given the potential
     for a rally in gold prices, is likely to break down soon.
  Canadian Dollar:;
     The rangebound trading continues with a likely steep decline ahead once the bottom falls out.
  S&P; Toronto Stock Exchange;
     The TSE should find strong resistance at the August high (380.33) and turn down.
  Australian Dollar:;
     The A$ continues to struggle at the resistance line on the Weekly Cash Chart. The yellow
     polytrendline suggests some upward pressure could potentially continue for up to two more
     months, but the trend should turn down strongly at some point, relieving pressure on the
     Australian stock market and Australian exporters. It's very likely that the government is
     artificially levitating the A$ due to some unwise investments they made on the future course of
     the currency.
  Australian All Ordinaries:;
     The market is closing in on resistance at the brown polytrendline (just above 3000), which
     should provide a ceiling this week. Although the Australian market tends to be a follower of
     Wall Street, its recent relative underperformance may be a leading indicator if it turns down
     alongside NASDAQ, rather than the Dow.
      Australia Business News
      Yahoo! Australia Business News
  London Financial-Times 100:;
     All of the stock markets are in basically the same shape this week: topping. In the case of the
     London market, the high is likely to be below the August high of 4466.4. This is an important
     market for all investors to watch: the London market often tops out before the blue chip US
  Bonds / Interest Rates:
     Bonds continue in a long term bull market with corrections mostly due to strength in the stock
     market. With the stock market trend changing this week, the bond market should benefit from
     flight-to-quality buying. Note: extended comments will be found on our Extended Comments Page .
     . .; or;
    Target 2030 Zero Coupon Bond Fund Quote
  Sectors and Individual Stocks (Subscribers Only)
     For tables ranking sectors and individual stocks, and links to charts of 3500 individual stocks
     and sectors, please visit your very own MyClues Home Page
     [;] -- in the CHARTS & RESEARCH
     section of the page, you will find a wealth of tools for selecting top sectors and stocks,
     including access to our exclusive realtime, intraday indicators.
     For a 3-4 month free trial subscription, click here.
  Commodities (Subscribers Only) For complete charts of commodities, please visit your very own MyClues
  Home Page [;] -- in the CHARTS & RESEARCH
  section of the page, you will find links to webpages containing links to the following:
     * Daily Indices, charts of sector and popular stock and bond market indices on a daily basis
     * Quarter-Hourly Indices, charts of selected indices on a 15-minute basis
     * Daily Futures, charts of futures markets on a daily basis
     * Quarter-Hourly Futures, charts of those same futures markets on a 15-minute basis
     For a 3-4 month free trial subscription, click here.
  CRB Index:;
     The pattern in the CRB is a broadening top formation. Although this implies volatility, it also
     implies a significnat long term top is forming. This is bad news for the economy as it implies
     a return of the deflationary trend and recession/depression ahead.
     Copper continued up last week and appears headed for the 62% retracement price of 74.67 basis
     December. Copper is a great leading indicator for the economy: if the 62% retracement price is
     exceeded, it indicates a strengthening economy.
  Gold Stocks:;
     The contracting triangle is nearing completion. Is gold gearing up for a flight-to-quality
     rally due to some future event? It certainly looks that way. We shall soon see the outcome of
     this formation.
     For an up to date list of the stocks in the Gold BUGS Index, see
     And, for charts of -- and ratings for -- those stocks, visit your MyClues Home Page (links at
     the top of this page).